Back pain is a problem facing both the working force and non-working force in the world today. Three out of every 5 persons are faced with one problem of back pain during their life time. Back pain is a global pandemic, it can be unbearably agonizing, excruciating and disabling illness.

Appreciable numbers of people have had emotional well-being brought to an abrupt end. Some have even gone as far as committing suicide in order to escape their pain.

Despite the unending prevalence of back pain pandemic in the face of present medical practice, millions of hopeless sufferers globally are suffering on a daily basis from this back monster which medical practitioners are unable to find a reasonable cure for.

Countless of back pain victims especially in Africa and Asia, have become dejected and decided to seek relief from their illness by consulting unorthodox medical practitioners who would prescribe some unwholesome concoctions to drink and rub on their back.

Some have had incisions done on their backs by the so called “traditional herbalists” all in the bid to overcome this illness. Common back pain is more likely to occur between the ages of 35 and 50 years, the most productive period of most people’s lives. The back pain continues and causes problem indefinitely if not checked on time.

Back pain is no respecter of persons, no matter how highly placed a person is or nature of job, he is not immune from these illness. It is the low back that provides support for humans giving strength and mobility, the mobility allows movements such as turning, bending, etc.

1 comment:

Liza karen said...

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