Back pain has been elusive to medical reports for years; medical practitioners have not been able to find cure for it, the back monster has proved to be one of the most deadly illnesses of all time.

Back pain has now spread its tentacles spreading from older people to younger ones and now into homes destroying long lasting relationships and families as a whole.

We must have heard of some public figures {actors, actress, political topnotch} that has been bed-ridden following a disabling back pain. They are virtually confined to their wheel chairs or beds. 

They neither can stand nor walk, this goes to show that back pain is no respecter of persons, status or age…

Back pain of this nature that has put one in this state can impact on an individual’s emotional well-being and in fact, the victim or sufferer may become so depressed and in some cases make attempt to commit suicide to in order to escape the pain.

Use your back with utmost care for it is the power house of your entire body, supporting the trunk and making the movements of the head, hands, and legs possible. Any serious problem with the back can result in unimaginable consequences.

Most paralysis in the hands and legs are as a result of problems in the waist or neck. Always think back before you engage in anything that would make this back monster enslave you for the rest of your life, as is it often said; “prevention is better than cure”.

Excruciating back pain can restrict your daily activity, reduce your work capacity and diminish your quality of enjoyment of everyday living. Your sex life, social live, business live and others can be brought to an abrupt stop drastically!!!

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