pain in the back is very common among pregnant women.These pregnant women go through a frustrating and agonizing pain for whole nine months or less and this is what result into general weakness which makes most pregnant women to be some what “aggressive”.

On the other hand,some pregnant women unlike their fellow counterpart go through a  jolly first six months without complaints after which they face the real “horror” of pregnancy.

Do not get me wrong,am not saying pregnancy is not good or getting pregnant is a cause.NO!!! infact it is the best thing that would ever happen to “man”.

Seeing an offspring coming in between your legs that looks like you is a mystery only God understands,procreation is ordained by God.

Most  pregnant women are faced with the challenge of lower back pain which is also called waist pain.

The reason for this waist pain is because these women carry excess load in front of them{pregnancy},this throws their back into an uncomfortable hollow shape,causing changes in the normal curve of the spine and placing strain on the muscles and ligaments of the lower back.

Furthermore,weakness in the body which is a similar symptoms of pregnant women can also lead to poor posture which later leads to back pain.

Moreso,pressure of the foetus on the lumbar vertebrae nerves could also contribute to lower back pain.Another likely reason for back pain during pregnancy is that the body releases hormones{substances in the body which stimulates tissues into action} which softens the ligaments,particularly those that connects the bone of the pelvis{hip bone} and lower back{the waist}.

This softening allows movement to occur at the joints when normally there is hardly movement between these joints.This movements may give rise to back pain.

Lastly,for all you pregnant folks out there i suggest you exercise regularly every morning.Exercise like walking around the compound for 5-10 minutes is okay,do not over do it and go for some massaging as well{very important}.Also watch what you eat because obesity may also be connected with back pain.

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